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Eco Forum Global Guiyang 2021. ANTARA/AsiaNet - 


On July 13, the agricultural session of the Eco Forum Global Guiyang 2021 - Smart Agriculture Boosts Agricultural Innovation and Green Leading the Industry's Future was held in Guiyang, according to Guizhou Provincial Agriculture and Rural Affairs Department.

Well-known experts, scholars and industry leaders from home and abroad discussed topics such as the status qua of global food security, the development of green Eco-industry against the background of rural revitalization, smart agriculture leading the sustainable development of green agriculture, and the road to green development of modern mountainous features and efficient agriculture.

In recent years, Guizhou has followed the thought of ecological civilization, insisted on ecological development, always put green development in the entire process of agricultural development, and kept on the track of modern mountainous characteristics and high-efficiency agricultural development.

Guizhou has now firmly followed the green concept, implemented the strategy of big ecology, and promoted the conversion of cultivated land to forests. Guizhou promotes the overall management of landscapes, forests, fields, lakes and grasses and gives full play to resource advantages, expand green industries and insists on ecological industrialization so that it can improve standards system and brand more green products.

Guizhou has formulated ecological norms and standards covering various industries. It also promotes green development through scientific and technological innovation, and implements the "Internet +" and enterprise integration development efforts. Guizhou improves its the prevention and control mechanism, consolidates the green foundation, develops its circular agriculture, so that it has become the first province in China to banning the use of water-soluble pesticides.

Nowadays, smart agriculture in Guizhou is emerging, and the green industry is gaining momentum. In the undertaking of rural revitalization, Guizhou has embarked on a new journey to developing modern and high-efficiency agriculture with mountainous characteristics. Colorful Guizhou has a great potential to tap in green agriculture and green industries//CNA


Brommelen in the Netherlands was flooded after a levee of the Juliana Canal broke AFP/Remko de Waal - 


Troops and firefighters were called in Saturday (Jul 17) to help villagers launch a mammoth clean up after the worst floods to hit western Europe in decades left nearly 130 people dead and dozens more missing. Western Germany has suffered the most brutal impact of the deluge that also pummelled Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, leaving streets and homes submerged in muddy water and isolating entire communities. 

With the death toll at 128, rescuers said far more bodies were likely to be found in sodden cellars as the clean-up gets underway in earnest. In Germany's worst-hit regions of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, residents who fled the deluge were gradually returning to their homes and scenes of desolation.

"Within minutes, a wave was in the house," said baker Cornelia Schloesser of the torrents that arrived overnight Wednesday in the town of Schuld, carrying her century-old family business with it.

"It's all been a nightmare for 48 hours, we're going round in circles here but we can't do anything," she said, surveying the heaps of twisted metal, broken glass and wood that have piled up at her former storefront.

In the affected areas, firefighters, local officials and soldiers, some driving tanks, have begun the colossal work of clearing the piles of debris clogging the streets.


"The task is immense," admitted the mayor of Solingen, a city in the south of the Ruhr area.


The real scale of the disaster is only now becoming clear, with damaged buildings being assessed, some of which will have to be demolished, and efforts under way to restore gas, electricity and telephone services.


The disruption to communication networks has complicated efforts to assess the number still missing.

"We have to assume we will find further victims," said Carolin Weitzel, mayor of Erftstadt in North Rhine-Westphalia, which experienced a terrifying landslide triggered by the floods.

Roger Lewentz, interior minister for Rhineland-Palatinate, told local media up to 60 people were believed to be missing.

The government has said it is working to set up a special aid fund, with the cost of damage expected to reach several billion euros.

Chancellor Angela Merkel, who returned Friday from a trip to Washington overshadowed by the disaster, vowed to provide "short and long-term support from the government" to stricken municipalities.

She has not yet travelled to the scene from the capital Berlin, but her spokesman said Friday she was in close contact with regional leaders about "a visit soon to the scene of the catastrophe".

With at least 108 dead, the devastating floods have put climate change back at the centre of Germany's election campaign ahead of a September 26 poll marking the end of Merkel's 16 years in power.

Germany "must prepare much better" in future, Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said, adding that "this extreme weather is a consequence of climate change".

In neighbouring Belgium, the death toll jumped to 20 with more than 21,000 people left without electricity in one region.

Luxembourg and the Netherlands were also hammered by heavy rains, inundating many areas and forcing thousands to be evacuated in the city of Maastricht.

Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel called the situation in many parts of his country "dramatic" and said the financial damage was "huge".

He pledged an initial package of 50 million euros (US$59 million) in immediate aid to citizens who suffered losses in the floods//CNA


Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi inspected logistics and cargo movement at the Soekarno Hatta International Airport, Friday (July 16, 2021). ANTARA/HO-BKIP Transportation Ministry -


Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi inspected the cargo service activity and vaccination service at the Soekarno Hatta International Airport, Tangerang, Banten, on Friday (July 16).

The minister’s inspection of the airport's cargo service center and vaccination point at Terminal 3 aimed at ensuring that activities ran smoothly at both locations during the emergency Community Activity Restriction Enforcement (PPKM) in the islands of Java and Bali.

"Alhamdulillah (thank God), the logistic service activity (at the airport) runs smoothly in spite of the PPKM enforcement and public movement restriction," Sumadi stated here on today.

Sumadi echoed his ministry’s commitment to ensuring stable logistics and cargo movement during the COVID-19 pandemic, as its stability would guarantee the fulfillment of basic and essential needs of the public.

Stable cargo and logistics movement will also alleviate struggling airlines currently plagued by a decline in the number of regular passengers due to the enforcement of emergency PPKM from July 3.

The minister also inspected the vaccination point at Terminal 3 of the Soekarno Hatta Airport hosted by PT Angkasa Pura II.

The company has provided vaccination for airline passengers as the current regulation stipulates passengers to show vaccination certificates prior to departure, as well as to support government programs for expediting vaccination efforts nationwide.

"I laud Angkasa Pura II for facilitating a satisfactory vaccination service for airline passengers," Sumadi remarked.

To speed up the vaccination program, the government has also coordinated with transportation authorities to set up vaccination points at transportation hubs, such as airports, bus terminals, ports, and train stations.

Indonesian state-owned airport management companies Angkasa Pura I established vaccination points at 15 airports it served, while Angkasa Pura II facilitated a vaccination drive at 16 airports it served.

Apart from airports, vaccination drives at other transportation hubs are also being provided by its management authority.

PT KAI has provided vaccination facilities at 10 train stations serving intercity routes, PT Pelni has set vaccination points at four ports, and the Directorate General of Land Transportation has also prepared vaccination facilities at 12 type-A terminals in Java and Bali//ANT


Telkomsel DigiAds DIGIHACKACTION program pools talents in digital technology to collaborate in producing business-related technology. (ANTARA/HO/KT) - 



Indonesia's cellular operator Telekomunikasi Selular Ltd (Telkomsel) through Telkomsel Digital Advertising (DigiAds) held a DIGIHACKACTION program for supporting and developing digital talents in Indonesia.

"Through this collaboration, we open up opportunities for all quality talents, especially those in the field of digital technology from any regions in Indonesia," Telkomsel SVP Corporate Strategy and Strategic Investment, Andi Kristianto, noted in a press statement, as quoted on Saturday, July 17.

Telkomsel is a subsidiary of state-owned telecommunications company Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Ltd.

"They will come together and produce digital advertising and marketing business solutions that benefit the community, such as MSMEs," Kristianto remarked.

DIGIHACKACTION, or Digital Hackathon Action, is a collaboration program among Telkomsel DigiAds, Telkomsel, and Daily Social. Through this program, Telkomsel has been striving to create a tool for technology developers to create applicable technologies that industry and businesses can use.

The program carries the company's principle of action in creating ideas, concepts, and scope and use of the latest advertising and marketing technology. The produced technology is expected to be used for business purposes, especially for MSMEs.

The program also opened up Telkomsel's opportunities in improving and strengthening the brand value and position of Telkomsel DigiAds in the digital technology industry market sector in Indonesia.

Furthermore, it offers business expansion opportunities through the creation and development of innovations in Telkomsel DigiAds products and services in future.

This event, held online from June 28 to the end of August, presents three challenges: Advertising and Marketing Direct Solution, Advertising and Marketing Support Solutions, and Digital Advertising Product and Service Enhancement and Improvement.

The participants have to create ideas and solutions within the scope of innovation and improvisation required for development of the products’ and services’ value in accordance with the market interests of Telkomsel DigiAds’ targeted customers.

Telkomsel is seeking 250 ideas from participants, 10 of which will be selected as the top finalists. They will select the top three champions, who will receive a prize worth Rp100 million and a work opportunity with Telkomsel DigiAds in the next incubation and acceleration stage//ANT