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Friday, 26 February 2021 12:08

Climate Change ‘Grave Threat to Global Peace and Security’

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Climate Change ‘Grave Threat to Global Peace and Security’ - UN

The UK Prime Minister warned the UN Security Council this week that unless leaders take urgent action to tackle climate change, the world risks worsening conflict, displacement and insecurity.

He chaired a virtual session of the Council to call on members to help the most vulnerable countries adapt to the impact of climate change and take steps to cut global emissions to net zero by 2050. It was the first time a British Prime Minister has chaired the UNSC in nearly 30 years and the first leader-level discussion on climate at the Security Council. Both show the importance of the issue.

The impacts of climate change are already being felt around the world, with the effects of rising temperatures and extreme weather forcing population movements and creating competition over increasingly scarce natural resources. Of the 20 countries ranked most vulnerable to rising global temperatures, 12 are already in conflict.

“The UNSC is tasked with confronting the gravest threats to global peace and security, and that’s exactly what climate change represents. From the communities uprooted by extreme weather and hunger, to warlords capitalising on the scramble for resources – a warming planet is driving insecurity.Unlike many issues the Council deals with, this is one we know exactly how to address. By helping vulnerable countries adapt to climate change and cutting global emissions to net zero, we will protect not only the bountiful biodiversity of our planet, but its prosperity and security.” Prime Minister Boris Johnson said

Sir David Attenborough also spoke to the 15 members of the UNSC by video, before UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Sudanese climate activist Nisreen Elsaim briefed the Security Council live. 

“If we bring emissions down with sufficient vigour we may yet avoid the tipping points that will make runaway climate change unstoppable. In November this year, at COP26 in Glasgow, we may have our last opportunity to make the necessary step-change. If we objectively view climate change and the loss of nature as world-wide security threats – as indeed, they are – then we may yet act proportionately and in time.” Sir David Attenborough explain. 

The UK has led the way on climate action, committing in law to reach net zero by 2050 and pledging to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 68 per cent by 2030 - the steepest reduction of any major economy. UK have also pledged to spend £11.6 billion on international climate finance over the next five years, including on efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change on vulnerable and fragile countries.

The Prime Minister is addressing the UN Security Council on Thursday (25/02/21) as part of the UK’s month-long presidency. The UK will also host a high-level Climate & Development Ministerial event on the 31st March with representatives from the countries most vulnerable to climate change around the world, as well as major donors and international institutions//UK Embassy realease



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