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Thursday, 05 April 2018 13:53

Japan-ASEAN Cooperation Also Focuses on Resolving Issues in The Region

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Japan-ASEAN Cooperation Also Focuses on Resolving Issues in The Region

Cooperation between Japan and ASEAN member countries is strengthening. Such strengthening can be proved by the increasing direction of cooperation between Japan and ASEAN in the fields of politics, economy and socio-culture, even the security issue in the region which is the focus the main to encourage the welfare of the world community.  This was conveyed by Senior Political Researcher, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Dewi Fortuna Anwar, in the Symposium of 45 Years of Cooperation between Japan and ASEAN at the LIPI Auditorium Jakarta, Wednesday (04/04). 


"So far our focus is Asia Pacific, especially East Asia, which is the center of rapid economic development, as well as concerns such as North Korea, South China Sea conflict in particular, and in North Asia, the East China Sea region", She said. 

Meanwhile, International Political Researcher from Keio University, Japan, Yuichi Hosoya, to Voice of Indonesia said China also has an important role in building the region. Therefore, cooperation between Japan and ASEAN can be encouraged by building partnerships and connectivity with China,  so it can be more beneficial for the country involved.   VOI-Ahmad Faisal 

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