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Tuesday, 10 April 2018 08:09

Building Power of Indonesian Air Force Needs Strategic and Sustainable Concept

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Indonesian Air Force Anniversary Indonesian Air Force Anniversary VOI-FAISAL

In anticipating many challenges of strategic environmental dynamism, the Indonesian Air Force must have willingness and commitment to create optimal result. However, it must be realized that  maintaining the  condition of main weaponry system of the Air Force is not easy, because it relates to the readiness of all components of the Air force both personnel, main weaponry system, air force base, facilities and other infrastructures.

“Building the qualified air force can not be at the short time or until the enemy comes to attack or explore the potential in Indonesia. It needs a strategic concept with elements related with the purposes, interest, target, policy and commitment as well as realistic and sustainable programs. Indonesian Air Force Chief of Staff,” Air Marshall Yuyu Sutisna said at the commemoration of 72nd anniversary of the Indonesian Air Force, at the Air force Base in Halim Perdanakusuma Jakarta on Monday ( 09/04).

Furthermore Air Marshall Yuyu Sutisna also said building ideal power in supporting duty is a must. He explained development of Minimum Essential Force is the appropriate answer and must be carried out. (VOI/Ahmad Faisal/NITA)

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