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Saturday, 21 April 2018 11:48

Minister Retno Marsudi Reiterates Indonesia's Position on the Attacks in Syria

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Armanatha Nasir in a press briefing at the Foreign Affairs Ministry Armanatha Nasir in a press briefing at the Foreign Affairs Ministry VOI-REZHA

Three Ambassadors from United States Coalition states, US Ambassador to Indonesia, Joseph Donovan, British Ambassador to Indonesia, Moazzam Malik and French Ambassador to Indonesia, Jean-Charles Berthonnet in particular held a meeting with Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi in Jakarta on Thursday (April 19th). In the meeting, she reiterated the position of Indonesia related to the chaotic use of chemical weapons in Syria. In addition, she also said to them that Indonesia asks all parties to exercise restraint so that the situation in Syria is not getting worse. This was affirmed by Indonesian Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Arrmanatha Nasir in a press conference in Jakarta on Friday (April 20).

“In essence yesterday, there were three ambassadors from the United States, Britain and France, who met the Foreign Minister. At the meeting, basically they disclosed their position. The Minister of Foreign Affairs reiterated the position of Indonesia. First, we are certainly concerned about the developments that exist in Syria. The second, the Minister of Foreign Affairs reiterated that we are strongly condemning the use of chemical weapons by anyone. The third one also says that we ask for all parties to exercise restraint and to pay attention to the humanitarian aspect, especially for women and children to be a priority,” Armanatha said.

Arrmanatha Nasir added that in a meeting with the three ambassadors of the US coalition countries, Minister Retno Marsudi also again conveyed a message to all parties to respect the value and international law, in particular the United Nations charter on international peace and security. In relation to the thousands of Indonesian citizens who are still in Syria, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs keeps monitoring how the current condition is in the region. In addition, Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also prepared a contingency plan if the situation is worsening. (VOI/Rezha/RHM)

Read 747 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 April 2018 12:15