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Friday, 11 May 2018 12:35

Mosaic of Indonesia

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Prior to the Cultural Week event of Kediri Regency 2018, businessmen of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises –UMKM continue to increase their products. An effort is believed to add attraction for the visitors in the near future. Khoirul Badiyah, a ribbon embroidered craftsman from Kediri Regency believes, by holding the local Women Farmer Group -KWT, the variety of ribbon embroidered products offered to the community will increasingly diverse. Khoirul Badiyah, during the training of Ribbon embroidery to dozens of KWT Candra Kirana members, in Kediri, Wednesday (9/5) said that from his training with KWT member Candra Kirana Kediri, she finally found many housewives who have natural talent of embroidery. The Organizer of Ribbon Embroidery Training, Yayuk said, in the future, the trainees will be invited as partners, to develop new capability in other products.

Djarum Foundation provides assistance of 1,000 gayam trees and trembesi trees to be planted in Rawa Pening Lake area, Semarang regency, Central Java. Vice President Director of Djarum Foundation FX Supanji in Ambarawa, Semarang regency, Central Java, on Thursday said, Gayam Tree belonging to the `Fabaceae` family, is a type of water conservation plant. Through the program "Djarum Trees for Life" (DFTL), there has been completed the planting of trembesi trees in Yogyakarta, Solo and Semarang (Joglosemar) along 261 km, centered in Ambarawa. According to Supanji, the planting of gayam trees will be done gradually by 35 community environmental activists in Rawa Pening. With the cultivation of gayam tree it is expected to maintain the availability of water in the long term priode. In addition to greening on the edge of the road infrastructure, DFTL also gives attention to the conservation of natural ecosystems in the area. In Ambarawa, the conservation effort takes place around Rawa Pening Lake, which is one of the largest natural lake, reaching over 2,500 hectares. The conservation effort is important, since Rawa Pening Lake is one of 15 lakes that enter into the lakes restoration priority in Indonesia.

Semarang City Government plans to build a Bridge Fountain with colorful fountain attractions, and will be the first Bridge Fountain in Indonesia. The project, which is part of Semarang City tourism improvement program, is estimated to cost of about 17 billion rupiah. The fountain bridge will be done on the West Flood Canal Bridge of Semarang City. The Bridge Fountain in some countries has become a magnet to attract tourists. For example Banpo Bridge Fountain in South Korea with Moonlight Rainbow Fountain performances are always hunted by tourists during they visit to Seoul. Mayor of Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi, said the project will be started in May and is targeted to be completed in November 2018. In 2011, there were only 2.1 million tourists per year coming to Semarang City. The amount was increased to 5.8 million per year in 2017. With the new tourist attraction in 2018 he expected that by 2019 the number of tourists who come to Semarang every year can reach more than 7 million tourists.

Read 1379 times Last modified on Friday, 11 May 2018 20:08