The Indonesian Institute of Sciences-LIPI develops System of National Scientific Repository for researchers. The repository can provide huge benefit for researchers so that they can reuse it easily for their precious research data. This was stated by coordinator of scientific repository development of LIPI, Slamet Riyanto to RRI World Service-Voice of Indonesia on the sidelines of National Seminar ”Research Data Management to Increase Research Quality" at LIPI’s Building in Jakarta on Wednesday (09/5).
“The system is used to manage scientific research data. The data of the researchers is expected to be used in the repository system. So far, researchers enter their research data on their own personal computers. So, it can lose and damage. Thus, through this repository system, their data is expected to be safe,” Slamet Riyanto said.
Slamet Riyanto further explained that not all people can access data at the System of National Scientific Repository, except they get permission from the data owners. So, the security at the repository is guaranteed; even only researchers community have the access to enter their research data. (VOI/AF/RHM)