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Wednesday, 23 May 2018 09:09

Indonesia Calls G20 to Be Global Role Model

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Indonesia Calls G20 to Be Global Role Model

The Indonesian government has called on all G20 member countries to become global models and problem solvers amidst the many uncertainties in the world, the foreign ministry said in a press statement here on Tuesday.

"Since 2008, the world community has been looking at the G20 as a reference in facing global challenges. Therefore, the G20 should lead by being a role model, and always try to be a solution to global problems," Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno L.P. Marsudi said.

The statement was presented by Minister Marsudi at the G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting in Palacio San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina on Monday (May 21).

At the first session of the G20 Foreign Ministers meeting entitled Multilateralism and Global Governance, Marsudi asserted the importance of G20 in creating a balance between the interests of developed countries and developing countries.

Related to that, she emphasized the need for G20 to increase its efforts in completing the discussion on various global strategic issues, such as reforming the international financial system as well as strengthening open, fair and transparent multilateral trading system.

In addition, the Foreign Minister also discussed the importance of multilateralism. Furthermore, Minister Marsudi stressed the importance of improving governance quality in the G20.

The minister also requested the G20 member countries to be consistent with the implementation of their commitments and resolutions.

"It is time for the member countries to create a more concise, substantive, accountable and transparent G20 governance system," Marsudi said.

On the sidelines of the second G20 meeting, Minister Marsudi held a bilateral meeting with Australian Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop; Japanese Foreign Minister, Taro Kono; Saudi Foreign Minister Adel bin Ahmed Al Jubeir; and British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson.

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