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Thursday, 28 October 2021 00:00

Commemoration of Youth Pledge Day 2021

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In Indonesia, October 28 is the Indonesian Youth Pledge Day. The Youth Pledge is the decision of the Second Youth Congress from October 27 to 28 1928. The decision affirms Indonesia’s ideals. They are Indonesian homeland, Indonesian nation and Indonesian language. This year is the 93rd commemoration of Youth Pledge Day. The commemoration of the Youth Pledge Day has always a different theme every year. This year’s theme is “Unite, Rise, Grow”.

Youth Pledge Day is enlivened with many activities. For example, what was done by the Youth Pledge Museum along with the Directorate General of Culture at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology is that they held an exhibition of Press Figures Behind the Youth Pledge with the theme "Fight!". This is a reflection of the struggle of press figures during the Youth Pledge moment against the Dutch colonial government. According to the Director of Film, Music and Media at the Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Ahmad Mahendra, the foundation of Indonesian Nationality was built by the press tradition of Indonesian youths in the early 20th century. The press was a tool of resisting against colonialism, as well as uniting the collectivity of the homeland in the consciousness of the nation. He also said that most of the youths with their patriotism in the national movement era were journalists, such as Tjipto, Soekarno, Siti Sundari, and W.R. Supratman. They moved together against colonization, told the spirit of Indonesian unity, made people realize that they have a nation called Indonesia that deserves being fought for and liberated. In addition, Ahmad Mahendra advised that with a strong spirit, they can rise up and move together so that Indonesia continues to grow as an independent and a sovereign country.

The exhibition "Fight!" can be visited live on October 22-31 2021 at M Bloc Space, South Jakarta. This exhibition also can be viewed online from October 22 to November 9 2021 by Zoom Meeting media and the exhibition page The visitors will be treated to creative content and 360° virtual tour services by online meeting. So, it provides a real experience as visiting directly.

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