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Thursday, 31 May 2018 08:25

Southern Thai Students Prefer to Study in Indonesia

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Students from the south of Thailand choose Indonesia as the favorite country to study after Egypt.

"Indonesia is the second country selected by South Thai students to study after Egypt. Those who study in Indonesia are mostly at Muhammadiyah University (PTM)," said the Secretary-General of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Centre (SBPAC) of Thailand, Suphanat Sirunthawinati, according to a statement in Jakarta ( 30 May )  on Wednesday.

Suphanat was speaking while receiving PTM delegates led by Prof. Edy Suandi Hamid at the SBPAC headquarters in Yala, Thailand. The PTM delegation included Endang Zakaria, Ida Puspita, Yordan Gunawan and Purnama.

"PTM graduates who are returning to Thailand have been working in government and the private sector here and we are glad they are studying in Indonesia," he stated.

Prof. Edy Suandi said: "We will renew the existing memorandum of understanding to increase the opportunity for South Thailand students to study at PTM and we will also provide scholarships to study at PTM, which we are currently offering at PTM 16. The number of students will also increase."

During the PTM team's visit, 99 prospective students will be selected through the SBPAC. And 90 will be selected from among those who apply through the Muslim Education Development Association of Thailand (MEDAT) in Songkhla and Bangkok. Suandi said the number of PTM institutions with good accredition spread across Indonesia was a special attraction for students from Thailand. "Not only from Southern Thailand, but also from other regions the selection will be held tomorrow in Bangkok city," he added. ( antara ) 

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