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Wednesday, 30 May 2018 00:00

Diplomatic Corner

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Sakai Mayor, Osaka Prefecture, Osami Takeyama and Indonesian consulate general in Osaka agreed to cooperate to organize a music concert at Sakai city on June 24 to celebrate their 60-yeardiplomatic relations ofIndonesia-Japan.  The agreement was confirmed when Indonesian consulate general in Osaka honorable visit Sakai mayor on Friday (25/5). The concert will present music groups which consist of students of the two countries. The two groups are The Resonanz Children’s Choir and collaboration of Angklung of Senior High School 3 Bandung which will become guest star special coming from Indonesia and will be collaborated with Taiko, Sakai Daiko group. The three groups will perform in Sofia Sakai presenting their musical art ability to people in Osaka and surrounding area. The honorable visit was the first time and to introduce consul general Mirza Nurhidayat to Sakai mayor who begins his duty in Japan on April 20, 2018. Indonesian consulate general and Sakai mayor also committed to seek expansion of cooperation in various fields, especially economy and relation among people so that its benefit can be felt directly by people of the two countries.

Indonesia’s mamin product and creative industry attracted visitor of trade exhibition in North Korea. Various food and soft drink products, body care and handicrafts which were exhibited by Indonesian embassy in Pyongyang, North Korea, on Spring Trade Exhibition on May 21-25, attracted the visitors’ interest, either local people or foreign community in Pyongyang. The 21st exhibition was participated in by around 280 participants from 15 countries among others China, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Germany, Cuba, Mongolia, Russia, New Zealand, Syria, Thailand, and North Korea.The productswhich were exhibited among others electronic stuffs, land transportation or trucks, material or building machine, household appliances, health or medicines, textile, cosmetic or body care, foods and soft drinks and other of consumption stuffs. The first secretary of the Indonesian embassy in Pyongyang, Darusman Afrikoko conveyed that Indonesia’s stand was never empty of visitors every day. The visitors wanted to know the products which were exhibited at the Indonesian stand at this time because in every exhibition, the Indonesian embassy always displays new products. Viewing the visitors’ interest to buy various products, the Indonesian ambassador to North Korea, Bambang Hiendrasto, hoped North Korean businesses will be more excited to import Indonesia’s products .

King of Cambodia, Preah Bat Samdech Preah Boromneath NORODOM SIHAMONI when receiving Credentials from Indonesian ambassador to Cambodia kingdom, Sudirman Haseng on Friday (25/5) at Royal Palace, Phnom Penhstated that he appreciated Indonesia-Cambodia good relations and mutual trust and solidarity which have been established fromKing Father Norodom Sihanouk period until now. He hoped, in the next future,the relations of the two countries can be developed in various fields such as trade, investment, tourism, culture, industry, energy, economy, technology and international cooperation.The king also congratulated the new Indonesian ambassador’s assigment to Cambodia and hoped he would be able to conduct his mission and duty well, especially in improving bilateral relations and the people’s welfare of the two countries.

Read 1213 times Last modified on Tuesday, 05 June 2018 21:21