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Friday, 01 June 2018 10:16

Indonesia Must Improve Supervision on Radicalism

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Dialogue on Terrorism at Habibie Center in Jakarta Thursday (31/5). Dialogue on Terrorism at Habibie Center in Jakarta Thursday (31/5). VOI-FAISAL

Information technology becomes the main tool used by terrorists in disseminating the ideas of ​​radicalism in the international world. To anticipate this, Indonesia must improve the supervision through cyber security. So, the radical understanding that can damage the generation of the nation can be prevented. This was affirmed by Head of National Encipher and Cyber Agency (BSSN), Joko Setiadi in a Dialogue on Terrorism at Habibie Center in Jakarta Thursday (31/5).

“The spread of radicalism is inseparable from the current use of information and communication technology. Sympathizers of radicalism are aware of the security of their communications by utilizing cryptography of the threat of radicalism. Some countries have imposed a policy of restricting access to information to their citizens. Indonesia as a country experiencing this threat must prevent the spread of radical understanding in this cyber space,” Joko Setiadi said.

Joko Setiadi further said that in the spread of radicalism, the sympathizers also take advantage of social media and online media such as groups on Facebook, Telegram, Whatsapp and others through photos or video action of radicalism. He added that his side keeps monitoring the movement of radicalism in Indonesia so that their existence can be known. (AF-VOI/Trans by Rhm)

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