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Monday, 20 December 2021 00:00

To Strengthen Diplomacy, Indonesian Embassy in Canberra Plays an Indonesian Movie

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The embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Canberra played an Indonesian movie on Friday (17/12) to strengthen diplomacy and promote Indonesian language and culture. The movie was entitled "Terbang: Menembus Langit". It was produced in 2018 and directed by Fajar Nugros and played by Laura Basuki, Dion Wiyoko and Baim Wong. In a written statement, Educational and Cultural Attaché Mukhamad Najib said that the screening of the movie was aimed at introducing the diverse life of Indonesia to the Australian community and the world. The film tells the story of the spirit of young people achieving the dream. According to Najib, it is also very appropriate for young Australians to watch.

The Indonesian embassy in Canberra invited students and teachers in Canberra to watch the film together before entering holidays. One-hour and 40-minute movie screening was attended by students and teachers, Australians, diplomats of neighboring countries and Indonesian diasporas who stay in Canberra.

Coordinator of Social and Cultural Information Function of the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra, Ghofar Ismail said that the screening can become a means to closely improve relationship between Indonesia and Australia. According to Ghofar, the movie is a cultural product which reflects society’s life of a country. Through the Indonesian movie, Australians are hoped to be able to learn about the variety of life in Indonesia. Therefore, people of both countries can get closer because Indonesian and Australians can understand culture mutually. In addition to watching the movie together, the invitees were also served Indonesian food and soft drinks.

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