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Wednesday, 29 December 2021 10:23

Indonesian Embassy in Bandar Seri Begawan appreciates the efforts of protection toward Indonesian Migrant Workers in Brunei

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The Indonesian Embassy in Bandar Seri Begawan expressed its appreciation to the Acting Head of the Belait and Tutong Districts, including the Immigration Service, Labor and Police for their efforts to protect Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) in Brunei Darussalam. Indonesian Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam, Sujatmiko expressed his appreciation to them because of facilitating the Indonesian citizens, particularly PMI who work in the two regions. The Indonesian Embassy in its press statement on Friday (24/12) stated that Ambassador Sujatmiko on his working visit to the two districts explained that PMI who are earning of a living in Brunei can support their family's economy in Indonesia.  Brunei also gets benefits from the support of PMI in driving the economic activities which are not fulfilled by the local residents.

Based on data from the Indonesian Embassy in Bandar Seri Begawan, a number of problems faced by PMI are the issue of unpaid wages, inappropriate work agreements, illness and violence. The Indonesian Embassy and the leaders of the two regions of Belait and Tutong agreed to continue the good cooperation between the Indonesian Embassy in Bandar Seri Begawan and related parties in Belait and Tutong to protect the Indonesian migrant workers in the two districts.

Besides, Ambassador Sujatmiko also hopes that such cases can be overcome firmly based on the applicable law, particularly for agents who bring PMI illegally from Indonesia to Brunei.

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