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Tuesday, 12 June 2018 00:00

Pondok Kerakat Beach In Lombok

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Welcome to “Indonesian Wonder”, a daily segment featuring tourism, culinary arts and culture from various regions across Indonesia.

Besides Bali, Lombok is one of the popular tourist destinations in Indonesia. The beauty of beaches attract local and foreign tourists traveling to Lombok. In addition to Kuta Beach, Tanjung An, Ampenan Beach, Senggigi Beach, and Malimbo, which are already popular among domestic and foreign tourists, there still many other interesting and beautiful beaches in Lombok. One of them is Tanjung Kerakat beach. It is located in Sukamulia, Pohgading Timur Village, Pringgabaya Subdistrict, East Lombok Regency. The beach is very wide with a stretch of black sand. The beach area are mostly filled with Jerangjang grass and Rembiga Trees.

Pondok Kerakat Beach is also known as Tanjung Gali Beach. The beach is better known by the name of Pondok Kerakat, due to many pondok Kerakat (cottage) lined up around the beach. At Pondok Kerakat the fishermen who come from the village of East Pohgading and its surroundings are gather before starting “ngerat” (catch fish with a large net). The attraction of the beach lies on the large waves. Many tourists travelling to the beach spend their time to surf. In addition to surfing, swimming is also a favorite activity on the beach. In addition, tourists also can do camping or playing football on a stretch of black sand.

Pondok Kerakat Beach is also equipped with a variety of interesting photo spots. A leading photo spot on the beach is Pre Weeding photo spot. The photo spot is made of wood and the back ground is made from fabrics so that the spot poto is really resembling wedding stage. The photo spot is the most visited. In addition to Pre Wedding Photo Spot, Pondok Kerakat also has Fish Reconnaissance Photo Spot. This photo spot is a “lelanjon” or Short Tower from which the visitors can see the expanse of the beach widely. Another photo spot in Pondok Kerakat, namely Mushroom Table spot photo. The spot is made of coconut base material and consists of a table with 4 slabs of coconut base supported by a pole from teak branches. The table is completed by four chairs also made from the coconut base plates. In the Mushroom Table, you can sit back while enjoying the beautiful atmosphere on the beach.

Another interesting activity on the Beach is Betalet. Betalet is a natural spa activity, where tourists can bury half of the body or the legs up to the waist in the sand. Betalet Therapy is recognized can cure rheumatic and uric acid, since as long as the body immersed in the sand, the muscles of the legs and waist get a reflection to smooth blood circulation. Generally, the therapy just hold the body in the sand for 10 to 30 minutes, because the longer the body is buried, the massage felt stronger. The natural Spa or Betalet is better done at night.

That was the regular segment of Indonesian Wonder for today with the topic “Pondok Kerakat Beach In Lombok”.

Read 1321 times Last modified on Tuesday, 19 June 2018 06:21