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Thursday, 02 August 2018 08:32

President Reminds Community of Strengthening Brotherhood in Prayer for Nation

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President Reminds Community of Strengthening Brotherhood in Prayer for Nation twitter setnegRI

President Joko Widodo reminded the Indonesian people of continuing to maintain the brotherhood and national unity during Dhikr and Prayer for the Nation.

"We often forget that our nation is a great and diverse one. We should also be grateful as it is the grace of God that unites us," the president, in his speech during an event held at the Merdeka Palace square, stated here on Wednesday night ( August 1st ).

According to the president, the diversity of tribes, traditions, religions, and cultures that exist in Indonesia is the wealth and asset of the nation that must be maintained. The head of state explained that the diversity of the nation will become a strength if Indonesia remains united.

The nation`s greatest asset is the unity and harmony of brotherhood. The greatest asset of our nation is unity. "Besides, we are blessed by Allah (the God) with abundance of natural resources," Jokowi remarked.

The president reminded people on the importance of maintaining Islamic Brotherhood and national brotherhood. The president asserted that the unity and cohesiveness of the nation should not be sacrificed because of differences in regional head elections and presidential election.

"Do not let the choices of regent, the mayor, the governor, and the president create disunity among us. We do not greet each other between brothers, neighbors, and villages. Do not let fellow humans vilify each other, mock each other, and reproach each other, " the president remarked.

The president went to the pulpit assembly along with Vice President Jusuf Kalla and Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council Ma`ruf Amin, accompanied by other scholars. A number of scholars who participated in the event include Ahmad bin Idrus Al Habsyi, Kyai Anwar, Kyai Haji Maimun Zubair and Mustofa Aqil Siradj, who is also as Chairman of the Council of Dhikr Hubul Waton, as well as the High Priest of Istiqlal Mosque Nasarudin Umar.

In addition, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Wiranto, Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, Military Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, Police Chief Tito Karnavian, and Chief of Staff for the President Moeldoko were also present at the event. ( ant )

Read 919 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 August 2018 08:46