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Friday, 24 February 2023 14:34

Rachmat Gobel conveys the construction of the National Capital in the Hungarian Parliament

Written by  Rahma
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Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian People's Representatives (DPR) Coordination Sector for Industry and Development, Rachmat Gobel explained the development of the  National Capital of Nusantara (IKN) in East Kalimantan before the leadership of the Hungarian Parliament.  During his return visit to the Hungarian Parliament, Rachmat Gobel affirmed that  IKN would give  many  strategic benefits for Indonesia, particularly for economic equity, economic growth, and reduction of social and environmental burdens for Jakarta and Java.


Rachmat Gobel to Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament, Olah Lajos in Budapest Monday (20/2) explained that so far, Indonesia's economy has developed more in Java, Sumatra and Bali Provinces. Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua, and Nusa Tenggara have been left behind. By moving the capital city, Jakarta  to Kalimantan, the eastern region which has been left behind so far will have great opportunities to grow and develop. Besides optimizing national economic growth, according to Rachmat Gobel, it will also equalize the economy in the eastern region. Moreover, Gobel also explained that the development of IKN will be environmentally insightful so that it is to relatively avoid deforestation. It will be an example and model for other cities in Indonesia in terms of spatial planning and green urban development.


Meanwhile, Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament, Lajos asked that there has to be a representative of  the Indonesian government to come to Hungary to explain the construction of the IKN before Hungarian businesspeople so that they could see investment opportunities that Hungarian entrepreneurs could make in IKN.


In response to this, Rachmat Gobel will invite or ask the IKN development leaders to come to Hungary. Furthermore, he appreciated a policy of the Hungarian government to give 110 scholarships per year for Indonesian university students  to extend their study in University in Hungary. Rahmat considered the scholarships as people to people contact based on heart to heart as built by both parliaments of the countries. He also appreciated the Indonesian and Hungarian economy which develop continuously.

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