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Monday, 24 September 2018 12:48

Peaceful Campaign of 2019 General Elections

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Democratic Party in Indonesia, the 2019 Presidential and Legislative Elections has entered the campaign stage. The campaign period starts on 23rd September 2018 to 13th April 2019. This stage is marked by the Declaration of the Peaceful Campaign of 2019 Elections which was read by Chairman of the General Election Commission –KPU, Arief Budiman along with the presidential and vice presidential candidates, and the political party leaders participating in the 2019 Elections at Monas in Central Jakarta on Sunday morning (9/23). The peaceful campaign of 2019 elections began with a carnival of political parties participating in the elections. Chairmen, administrators and supporters of the political parties appeared with traditional clothing from various regions in Indonesia, remembering that the diversity that exists in Indonesia is not a messy one, but a unity. The declaration of the peaceful campaign of 2019 Elections was also marked by releasing some doves as a symbol of hope that the 2019 elections will be peaceful and safe. The theme of the peaceful campaign of 2019 Elections is "Anti-Sara and Anti Hoax Campaign to Make Sovereign Voters for a Strong Country." Why is the anti-crime and anti-hoax issue highlighted in the theme? Experience does teach; these two issues are very easy to ignite one’s emotion. Moreover, their emotion becomes fanatical supporters of the presidential and vice presidential candidates. The problems of ethnicity, religion, race and group are frequently used by some parties to provoke certain people or groups. As more and more internet users in Indonesia, the possibility of the spread of false news or hoax is also getting bigger. At least, currently in Indonesia, internet users have reached more than 143 million. The number allows information, whether true or not and bad or good, to be immediately spread throughout Indonesia in seconds. Strong determination declared by the organizers, political parties participating in the 2019 elections and presidential and vice presidential candidates to realize a strong state is contained in the declaration of the peaceful campaign of 2019 elections. Indonesia is determined to realize elections that are general, free, secret, honest and fair by conducting the election campaigns that are safe, orderly, and peaceful, with integrity, without hoaxes, politicization of ethnicity, religion, race and group -SARA, and money politics based on the available regulations and laws. To realize the 2019 elections that are free of SARA and hoax issues needs full commitment from various stakeholders. The campaign teams of the political parties and presidential and vice presidential candidates must be committed to taking firm action if there are supporters who disseminate hoax campaigns. The police should indiscriminately give legal sanctions to hoax spreaders. Patrols in the cyber world must also be strengthened. But the most important point is that prospective voters must be wiser in responding to the dissemination of information. Being wiser for the prospective voters to receive, filter and disseminate information is the key to the realization of the peaceful campaign of the 2019 elections without hoax and the issue of SARA. Hopefully, Indonesian people are certainly expecting that the peaceful campaign of 2019 elections can be carried out until the voting day. Peaceful and safe elections will prove to the world that in Indonesian democracy is able to realize and maintain peace.

Read 1319 times Last modified on Monday, 24 September 2018 15:35