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Wednesday, 26 September 2018 00:00

US-Iran Conflict in UN General Assembly Perspective

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The United States and Iran are still in conflict. The United Nations General Assembly this year which began Tuesday was one of the signs of the two countries' conflict. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has stated that he will not hold a meeting with Donald Trump during the General Assembly. Iran also remains in a position to oppose the United States' initiative to continue the boycott. Iran may feel that the refusal of some European Union countries on the continuation of sanctions to him, is one of the reason in its resistance to the United States. In the meantime, the United States will continue to carry out Donald Trump's policy of hostile to Iran. There was news that Washington would force Tehran to negotiate. A government source in Washington said that the United States Government would use the same method as it did to North Korea. The United States argues that Washington has succeeded in forcing Pyongyang to end nuclear disarmament. Also under pressure from the United States, the reconciliation process took place, marked by the visit of the President of South Korea to North Korea. The coercive actions on Iran have been seen from the announcement of the US sanctions for the automotive sector, gold trading, precious metals and several other commodities. Donald Trump has also announced its withdrawal from the nuclear agreement agreed upon in the Barack Obama era. Pressure on Iran is no longer because of the nuclear production, but the United States accuses the Tehran government of interfering in the Middle East conflict especially in Syria and Yemen. The ongoing 2018 UN General Assembly will raise the issue of two crucial issues, namely the conflict in Syria and the position of Iran. From the statements of the United States and Iran and the countries that are allied with it, it will be known where the Syrian conflict and the Iranian issue will be directed. Is it true that eventually Iran will obey to the pressure of the United States and finally be treated like North Korea, we are still waiting for further developments.

Read 1329 times Last modified on Thursday, 27 September 2018 08:26