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Tuesday, 25 September 2018 00:00

Indonesia Needs to Deliver the Message of Reconciliation and Peace through UN 2018 General Assembly

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Indonesia Needs to Deliver the Message of  Reconciliation and Peace through UN 2018 General Assembly


Today at local time in New York, United Nations Organization commences 2018 General Assembly. About 200 high-level representatives of members of the world body are present and they take turns to express their views in the general debate in a bid to discuss various international issues. Of the most important events in the world, we can say that the public debate in this year's general assembly will cover at least five main issues. The five points that become the main agenda seem to be the Rohingya problem, the Civil War in Syria, Iran and the actions of the American and its allies, North Korea and of course the Palestinian Issues.

Discussions about Myanmar and Rohingya correlate with the statement of the fact-finding body of the UN human rights body which says that the Rohingya military is fully responsible for the mass murder of the ethnic Muslim group, Rohingya in Rakhine state. The issue of Syria will be also a debate because until now, the war is still raging, even refugees continue to be a problem in a number of countries. The intervention of other countries, including the United States, Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia is predicted to make the debate warm, and can even address the issue of the humanitarian tragedy of the Syrian people. As for the Palestinian issue, the talks will remain warm. We hope the debate will create solutions that benefit the Palestinians. Regarding the issue of Iran, Tehran in the UN General Assembly may get fresh air because European countries disagree with the United States which insists imposing sanctions on Tehran. The debate about Iran might get different perspectives. The fifth crucial issue that will emerge in the UN General Assembly is, of course the issue between South and North Koreas. The last reconciliation process of both countries is marked by the visit of the President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in to North Korea.

Of the five crucial issues that we expect to be the main items of debate, Indonesia will certainly express its position. Vice President Yusuf Kalla, who leads the Indonesian delegation, will convey Indonesia's attitudes and views on this crucial issue. Speaking to the World Peace Summit to commemorate Nelson Mandela's 100th anniversary the day before the General Assembly, VP Jusuf Kalla called for the importance of reconciliation and justice dialogue to build the world peace. This appeal certainly needs to be reaffirmed through a speech before the UN General Assembly. Indonesia's experience in realizing peace in Aceh, improving good relations among religions and maintaining the quality of democracy, becomes a good trust when Indonesia is present before the highest leaders of UN member states.

Read 1328 times Last modified on Thursday, 27 September 2018 12:16