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Thursday, 27 September 2018 12:19

Significant Momentum of World Tourism Day for Indonesian Tourism

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Significant Momentum of World Tourism Day for Indonesian Tourism


The commemoration of World Tourism Day which has taken  place on every 27th September since 1980 can be a significant momentum for Indonesian people in developing tourism potential spread throughout Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke and from Miangas to Rote Island by applying the principles of tourism development. Indonesian nature which has natural potential, flora and fauna, and a fairly sustainable environment is the main capital that can be utilized sustainably.

Improved awareness of various parties on the environment and issues concerning environmentally sound development has contributed to the view of the importance of sustainable tourism principles. Tourism development and environmental management have two major points: mutually complement and attract tourists. Precisely, we can say that the more sustainable the environment is, the more prosperous the people are. With good-quality tourism management and development, Marine Tourism, Environmental Tourism, Eco Tourism, Exploration, Adventure, Cultural Heritage, Religion & Pilgrimage Tours, Art & Culinary Tourism, Urban & Rural Tourism, Sports tourism can certainly attract more foreign tourists to come to visit Indonesia.

In regard to the world of tourism, Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya targets  that in 2019, 20 million foreign tourists will visit Indonesia. Until now, Bali is still a favorite destination for foreign tourists visiting Indonesia. There are 10 tourist destinations in Indonesia that are set to be a priority known as 10 New Bali. The ten destinations are Lake Toba in North Sumatra), Belitung Island in Bangka Belitung, Tanjung Lesung in Banten, Seribu Islands in Jakarta, Borobudur Temple in Central Java, Mount Bromo in East Java, Lombok Mandalika in West Nusa Tenggara, Komodo Island in East Nusa Tenggara, Wakatobi National Park in Southeast Sulawesi, and Morotai in North Maluku. Of the ten destinations, four destinations will be the main projects to be developed. They are Mandalika, Lake Toba, Borobudur, and Labuan Bajo Island of Komodo. The government is now building various supporting infrastructure and facilities such as roads and hotels to implement the program.

We hope that the World Tourism Day commemoration can be a better momentum to improve understanding of the importance of sustainable tourism development. In addition, the country's foreign exchange will increased with the arrival of foreign tourists to Indonesia. In 2018 at least, the tourism sector is expected to contribute US$17 billion dollars. The following year, it will be US$20 billion dollars. All can only be realized if it is supported by a conducive security in all tourist destinations, including in the 10 new destinations that have been attempted.

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