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Wednesday, 17 January 2018 15:56

New Chairman of House of Representative is Expected to Fight for People’s Aspiration Featured

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Bambang Soesatyo was officially inaugurated as new Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives–DPR RI on Monday, January 15 at Parliamentary building in Jakarta on Tuesday,replacing Setya Novanto.  In response to this, Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly, Zulkifli Hasan told the press  on Tuesday (16/1) that the new Speaker must be able to work optimally to support and realize the welfare of Indonesian people.

Firstly, I would like to congartulate Bambang Soesatyo who has been inaugurated  asthe speaker of the House, although he will serve less than 2 years. I hoped, with the leadership of the new chairman, the House’s performance will improve, so the parliament can be a representativeto realize the people’s aspiration,” said Zulkifli Hasan.

Moreover Zulkifli Hasan hoped that the new House speaker Bambang Soesatyo is able tolead members of the House well and provide significant input for Indonesian government for the sake of the improvement of Indonesian nations//AF.VOI

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