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Thursday, 18 January 2018 08:16

The Japanese Aid is Allocated To Build Two School Buildings Featured

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The cooperation contract with the Japanese Government, through the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects program worth 1.7 billion rupiah signed on Tuesday (16/1). The signing of the contract was carried out by the Consulate General of Japan in Medan, North Sumatra, Takeshi Ishii with Chairman of Nurul Huda Islamic Education Foundation Batu Islands, South Nias, North Sumatra, Mukhlis Tanjung and Chairman of Al Mubarakah Islamic Educational Foundation at Kunyet Mule, North Aceh, Teungku Hanafi. Vice Consul of Japan in Medan Daiki Yokoyama, representing the Japanese Consulate General, said that although the amount of grants is different, the construction of all school buildings is expected to be completed within six months.

"The donation to the Islamic School-MTS is around 815 million rupiah. While, for the assistance of Mubarakah Junior School in North Aceh about 939 million rupiah. The aids are just signed, so we hope to start construction immediately, starting this month or February," Daiki Yokoyama.

The Chairman of Nurul Huda Islamic Foundation, Mukhlis Tanjung, said the grant will be used to build six classrooms of MTS Darul Muta'alimin. Meanwhile, Chief Executive of the Al-Mubarakah Islamic Education Foundation of Kunyet Mule, Zubir said, the grants given by the Japanese Government will be used to build 6 Junior High School classrooms// DEWI/TRS.N

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