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Monday, 06 May 2024 08:32

Solo Indonesia Culinary Festival 2024

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If you are a lover of Indonesian culinary delights, be prepared because an interesting culinary event entitled Solo Indonesia Culinary Festival (SICF) 2024 will be coming soon. Solo Indonesia Culinary Festival 2024 will be held at Manahan Stadium, Solo, 9-12 May 2024. This year the Solo Indonesia Culinary Festival will have Soto as its main theme. Soto was chosen as the theme for the 2024 Festival because this dish is one of the favourites of all groups and various ages. Apart from that, Soto also has various types and is almost always available in various regions in Indonesia.


Chairman of the Solo Indonesia Culinary Festival 2024 Organizing Committee, Daryono, said that based on the Pact of Milan, Solo was named a Food Smart City which successfully competed with hundreds of cities in the world. He also hopes that the 2024 Festival can be an event for promoting regional culinary potential and how Solo can become an example of a city with food potential management. According to Daryono, culinary is a creative economy that has long-lasting effects. Not only in absorbing labor but also in alleviating poverty.


The Solo Indonesia Culinary Festival 2024 will be enlivened by the distribution of thousands of free portions of soto to visitors, a breakfast menu creation competition, education about soto menus and various activities with attractive prizes. Other culinary menus will also color the 2024 Festival. Apart from Soto, the Solo Indonesia Culinary Festival 2024 will also feature contemporary breakfast. At the festival, information will be given on how to make local food ingredients into today's family breakfast menu, which can be made in a few minutes so it is faster and more efficient.

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