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Monday, 12 November 2018 12:41

Diplomatic Corner

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Mystical figure of Nyi Roro Kidul who was presented in dance drama entitled ‘Nyi Roro Kidul’: Forgiveness, Revenge at Its Best, was carried out by Indonesian students at Kyungsung University in Busan, South Korea. The performance succeeded to attract around 400 audiences who flocked Concert Hall, Kyungsung University. Information of Cultural and Social Affairs of the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul, Purno Widodo said on Sunday that the dance drama was adapted from folk legend story of Dewi Kandita, a princess of Sundanese Pajajaran kingdom. The performance was described well through traditional dances and music from various regions in Indonesia. The dance drama was part of “Knock Knock Indonesia” program, an annual program which was held by Indonesian students in Kyungsung University to introduce Indonesia. Annually "Knock knock Indonesia" always succeeds to amaze Korean people or foreign citizens in Busan, even it becomes one of annual programs, which is waited by Busan people and surrounding areas. Dean of External Affairs Kyungsung University, Dr. Taioun Kim expressed gratitude on support from various sides, including the Indonesian embassy in Seoul, Indonesian Trade and Promotion Center (ITPC) Busan, and Busan Foundation for International Cooperation so that Knock Knock Indonesia 2018 could be implemented smoothly.

Ten startups from Indonesia explained their ideas before Singaporean investors through ‘Indonesia Startup Insight 2018’ in Singapore. The event, which was held by Kinerja Bisa and PSB Academy, was attended by more than 400 digital entrepreneurs and investors from Singapore. Those start-ups conducted short presentation to introduce their business ideas before the investors. Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Ngurah Swajaya hoped that strong synergy among the government, start-ups and investors can create good ecosystem and incubation for startup development in Indonesia. Indonesia Startup Insight is an annual event which gets positive response from Singaporean investors and entrepreneurs.

In welcoming Hero Day, Netflix streaming  service showed biopic film "Guru Bangsa Tjokroaminoto" internationally. Nayaka Untara as producer of MSH Films said on Sunday (11/11) that by showing the film through Netflix service, it’s hoped that the world community could understand Indonesian history and culture as well as figure and spirit of HOS Tjokroaminoto. Raden Hadji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto or well known as HOS Tjokroaminoto is a figure who led Sarekat Islam organization until becoming the first largest organization with member as many as 2 million people from various social classes. He was also a teacher of leaders of national movement, such as Sukarno, Semaoen, Alimin and Moesso. The film with biopic drama genre has historical background which is strong with Javanese culture. It was played by Indonesian famous actors and actresses.

Read 1335 times Last modified on Thursday, 15 November 2018 13:20