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Monday, 19 November 2018 08:36

Indonesian Nation Must be Grateful: Vice President

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Vice President Jusuf Kalla gives speech at the commemoration of the 106th anniversary of Muhammadiyah at Mangkunegaran Palace in Solo, Central Java, on Sunday (18/11/2018) Vice President Jusuf Kalla gives speech at the commemoration of the 106th anniversary of Muhammadiyah at Mangkunegaran Palace in Solo, Central Java, on Sunday (18/11/2018) ANTARA

Indonesia’s vice president Jusuf Kalla called on the nation in Solo, Central Java, on Sunday to always be grateful because despite all conflicts that have happened in the country so far they have been able to overcome them well.

"I am sad to see situation in Islamic countries at present (as) around 30 percent of 50 Islamic countries are full of conflicts," he said in his speech at the commemoration of the 106th anniversary of Muhammadiyah, one of the biggest Islamic organizations in the country.

Islamic countries such as Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan and others are full of conficts which have not been settled until now.

"We must be grateful as a nation. We used to see a lot of conflicts in the country but they could all be settled well. Justice is the key to all conflicts such as those in Aceh, Poso, Ambon, Kalimantan, Papua, DI/TII in Java in the past. All of them happened because of injustice. This is where efforts must be directed to," he said.

Kalla said economic, social and political injustices were all factors that had caused all the conflicts and this did not only apply on Indonesia but on other countries as well.

In view of that he said all efforts taken in the fields of economy and socio-politics must be assured to bring goodness to all.

Efforts that have been taken by Muhammadiyah in the social and economic fields indeed must be supported with regard to meeting competition against other countries in the world, he said adding that all kinds of competition could be settled through knowledge and technology in addition to social justice.

"I am convinced Muhammadiyah has given big contribution to the efforts seeing a lot of educational institutions and others that it has been establishef in the country. All of the efforts unite and improve the welfare of the nation.What Muhammadiyah has done is an extraordinary management," he said.

Kalla said it has been 106 years that Muhammadiyah has served the nation and the religion. Muhammadiyah`s contribution and service to the nation are huge with all the schools, universities and hospitals it has established.

On the occasion Kalla was given Muhammadiyah Award for his humanitarian and peace efforts so far. The award was personally handed over to him by the general chairman of Muhammadiyah, Haedar Nashir. (ANTARA)

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