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Sunday, 21 January 2018 11:12

Japanese Prime Minister’s Special Envoy Toshihiro Nikai says Japan Appreciates Indonesia-Japan Close Relations Featured

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Japanese Prime Minister’s Special Envoy Toshihiro Nikai Japanese Prime Minister’s Special Envoy Toshihiro Nikai VOI-AHM

Indonesia and Japan celebrated the Commemoration of 60 Years of Indonesia-Japan Diplomatic Relations in Jakarta, Saturday (20/1). The commemoration was attended by Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla and several Indonesian Working Cabinet Ministers. Also attending the event were Japanese Prime Minister’s Special Envoy Toshihiro Nikai and Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Masafumi Ishii. In his remark, Toshihiro Nikai appreciated the close relations between the two countries thanks to cooperation of several parties. About future relations of Indonesia and Japan, Toshihiro Nikai through interpreter said that the two countries must set a strategy to keep the close relations.

“We need to consider the steps to keep Japan and Indonesian relations stay close in the next ten years, twenty years, or even until 100th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence in 2045. Therefore, we cooperate with ERIA - Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia that will have its 10th anniversary to design the plan and will hold a seminar this year,” Toshihiro Nikai said.

Previously, the Japanese Prime Minister’s Special Envoy Toshihiro Nikai said, in 2015 he had invited more than 1000 cultural, economy, and tourism delegates from Indonesia to Japan. Toshihiro Nikai also hoped the Indonesia-Japan youth exchange will increase, for instance by inviting 60 Indonesian youths in conjunction with the 60th anniversary of Indonesia-Japan diplomatic relations this year.///// (VOI-STEVE/AHM)

Read 1043 times Last modified on Sunday, 21 January 2018 16:49