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Friday, 07 December 2018 00:00

Efforts to Realize Peace in Yemen

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Efforts to Realize Peace in Yemen


The United Nations (UN) effort to end the civil war in Yemen has progressed. The conflicting parties, namely the Houthi rebels and the Yemeni Government are willing to attend the peace talks in Sweden. Scheduled to take place in the near future, the meeting will likely be implemented. This was marked by the good faith in the form of evacuating dozens of wounded Houthi rebels in the Yemeni capital. Evacuation efforts are reportedly carried out by the Saudi-led military coalition. This step, which is a step forward, gives hope of a change of attitude between the two conflicting  parties.

Previously, the UN's efforts to find a peaceful solution through the negotiating table  were planned to take place last September.  It  was canceledbecause at that time the Houthi rebels considered the UN had not fully guaranteed protection for  them.

The cancellation of the negotiations last September did not dampen the spirit of the United Nations in seeking a peaceful way. The world body continues to persuade the Houthi militant group to the negotiating table in Stockholm. The road to this direction shows hope when the Saudi-backed military coalition evacuates around 50 Houthis from the city of Sanaa. Along with that, the UN envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffith, was also present in Yemen to persuade the Houthi rebels to go to the negotiating table in Stockholm.

The arrival of the UN envoy in Yemen was also intended to pressure Saudi Arabia to reduce the blockade of the main Sanaa airport which has been controlled by Houthi militants a few years ago.

The international community hopes that the UN step to reconcile the two conflicting parties in Yemen has been realized. Efforts to bring together rival countrymen at the negotiating table are expected to be the first step towards peace. However, it will still depend on two countries known to have interfered in the conflict in Yemen. Namely, Saudi Arabia which  is supporting the government, and Iran which  is behind the strength of the Houthi rebels. The wil of the two countries shall  determine whether the conflict in Yemen can be stopped or not. So that people in that country can enjoy peace and harmony again .

That was commentary

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