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Wednesday, 12 December 2018 12:53

Demonstrations in France, A Tests for Macron

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Demonstrations in France, A  Tests for Macron


The ongoing demonstrations in Paris that triggered riots have become a test poins for the credibility and continuation of French President Emmanuel Macron administration. The protests, which took place every Saturday, ended with riots spreading into a movement to bring down President Macron. The action known as the mass action of the Yellow Vest last Saturday caused 92 people including police officers injured in the riots.

It  was originally started by residents of the suburbs of Paris who protested the government's decision to increase the price of fuel oil and taxes. It then   turned into chaos. Middle class citizens who are worried about Macron's policies, joined in  and made a wave of demonstrations anddemanded  Macron to step down.

The pressure of the protesters caused Prime Minister Edouard Philippe meet up  with two representatives of the protesters. However, he  failed to stop the next demonstration which wasfollowed by even more citizens of Paris and its surroundingsAccording to some  polls 72 percent citizenssupport the Yellow Vest. However, 90 percent of  French people   rejected acts of violence. President Emanuel Macron has demanded legal responsibility of the demonstrators due to riots that occurred and caused damage.

In fact, President Macron had succumbed to revoking his policy by delaying the fuel tax increase which resulted in rising fuel prices throughout France. Nevertheless the demonstration resumed with the demand for the resignation of Macron whhas been in office for  for just 18 months. For the President of France who is the youngest head of state in French history, this wave of demonstrations is a test of his policy and continuity of government.

Whether the demonstrations in France,  which are  the biggest and worst ever,  will be the trigger for  political movement that will determine the end of Macron's government, remain  to be seen. Macron's failure to overcome this political crisis will show whether the youngest Presidentin the French history, will also be the shortest-serving President due to his policies which caused massive demonstrations or not.

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