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Tuesday, 23 January 2018 06:43

Baliem Valley Festival to Attract Foreign Tourists

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The Association of Indonesian Travel Agencies (ASITA) of Papua stated, that Baliem Valley Festival in Jayawijaya Regency, Papua still becomes the main attraction for foreign tourists to visit Papua. As quoted by Antara, Chairman of ASITA Papua, Iwanta Parangin-Angin, in Jayapura, on Sunday (21/1) said, the average number of foreign tourist arrivals in 2017 reached 100 people per month. But the number can increase dramatically during the implementation of the Baliem Valley Festival on August 8 to 10. According to him, currently travel agents have started to sell travel packages to watch the Festival, held by Jayawijaya Government as an annual routine agenda. Iwanta Parangin-Angin admitted that during that period the price of trip to Jayawijaya increased, compared to the normal day//   Antara/Trs.Rezha

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