"There are 20 thousand digital talents that we will educate and certify. The certification of technology competency is not just general knowledge, but more skills," Rudiantara said at the 10th anniversary of Young Leaders for Indonesia (YLI) in Jakarta on Saturday, Jan 19.

This year, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has allocated Rp109.4 billion for the digital talent scholarship program. From this program, the government has targeted to give certification for 20 thousand digital talents this year.   After attending the education program, digital talent can work for a company or become an entrepreneur. In addition, they can connected to various companies through job-seeking platform karir.com platform.

Rudiantara said that the certification is not only valid in Indonesia, but also in Southeast Asia. According to him, digital talent certification is a government effort to proactively prepare competent resources in the industrial era 4.0. He added that industry 4.0 does not necessarily eliminate employment, but there are many potential new jobs created. (ant)