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Saturday, 27 January 2018 13:55

Indonesian Air Force to Form Air Force Operations Command III Featured

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Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) Marshal Yuyu Sutisna Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) Marshal Yuyu Sutisna VOI-Ahmad Faisal

In order to improve the security of the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the Indonesian Air Force will establish Air Force Operations Command III. It was disclosed by Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) Marshal Yuyu Sutisna to Media on the sidelines of the Indoensian Air Force Leadership Meeting 2018 at Air Force Headquarters, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Friday (26/01). Yuyu hoped that the Air Force Operations Command III can be realized immediately.

“It is already in the Strategic Plan (Renstra) of the establishment of the Air Force Operation Command III (Koopsau III). What we are forming, when and so on. It is expected that this year the organization can be proposed at least this first Quarter. The commander specifies that the Indonesian Air Force had to form the command. Indonesian Army has made the Division there and the Indonesian Navy has formed the Eastern Fleet. We want to fix it all as well so that the formation of the Air Force Operations Command can be effective and efficient,” Marshal Yuyu Sutisna said.

Marshal Yuyu Sutisna explained that the Air Force Chief Planning Assistant is currently reviewing the establishment of the Air Force Operations Command III. The command headquarter will be in Biak or Sorong, West Papua which is expected to be integrated with the establishment of Division III of the Army Reserve Strategy Command and Eastern Fleet Navy. //// (voinews / Ahmad Faisal / edt /ahm)

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