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Sunday, 28 January 2018 17:45

President Jokowi Visits National Martyrs' Memorial Featured

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President Jokowi Visits National Martyrs' Memorial President Jokowi Visits National Martyrs' Memorial Protocol, Pers and Media Of President Secretariat

Starting the second day of the state visit to Bangladesh on Sunday, January 28, 2018, President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo visited the National Martyrs' Memorial in Savar, Bangladesh. This monument is a place of memory of Bangladesh freedom fighters.

President Jokowi and Mrs. Iriana arrived at the monument at 08.30 local time or 09.30 West Indonesia Time and were greeted by officials from Bangladesh's Ministry of Defense.

President Jokowi and Mrs. Iriana walked to the place where the wreath were laying. President Jokowi accompanied by honor troops laid a wreath, then silence for one minute.

After laying the wreath, President Jokowi and Mrs. Iriana filled in the guest book. The activities at the National Martryrs Memorial ended with the planting of Tanjung trees.

"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim," said President Jokowi when planting the trees and watering them.

From the National Martyrs' Memorial, President Jokowi and Mrs. Iriana continue their journey to the Bangabhandu Memorial Museum. (Protocol, Press and Media of Presidential Secretariat)

Read 870 times Last modified on Monday, 29 January 2018 07:24