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Monday, 29 January 2018 08:51

President Joko Widodo Arrives in Cox Bazaar

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President  Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo arrived in  Cox Bazaar, on January 28,, at around 12:40 local time . After the arrival, President and Madame Iriana get an explanation  at the airport, from Cox Bazaar’s Deputy Commissioner, Ali Hossein, concerning the handling of Rakhine State refugees at the Refugee Camp.  They have a chance to see Camp Jamtoli, one of the refugees shelter, about 70 kilometers from the airport. Accompanying President and Mrs. Iriana during this visit were Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Special Staff Coordinator Teten Masduki and Indonesian Ambassador to Bangladesh Rina Soemarno. ( source: President media office )

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