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Thursday, 16 May 2019 09:28

Indonesia Encourages Improvement in Performance of UN peacekeepers

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FM Retno Marsudi in one meeting (5th from left) FM Retno Marsudi in one meeting (5th from left) antaranews

Indonesia, as current President of the United Nations Security Council, has urged improving the safety and performance of United Nations peacekeepers during the UN Security Council Open Debate on May 2019. The UN Security Council Open Debate, entitled "Investing in Peace: Delivering Quality Training and Capacity Building to Improve Safety and Security and Performance of UN Peacekeepers", was held under the framework of Indonesia's Presidency of the Security Council in May 2019.

The Indonesia government highlighted the theme because of Indonesia’s commitment to the importance of the work of the peacekeepers. The Indonesian government said it believed that adequate preparations would greatly help the success of UN peacekeepers, Director General for Multilateral Affairs of the Foreign Affairs Ministry Febrian Ruddyard said.

He noted that the discussion about peacekeepers is in line with their superior record and the involvement of Indonesian peacekeepers. Indonesia ranked eighth among the 124 largest countries that contribute peacekeepers, with 3,000 personnel involved in various United Nations missions.

"Many countries do not yet match Indonesia's contribution. Obtaining 3,000 personnel is difficult, especially finding those of good quality, since peacekeepers undergo thorough training and many tests, he stated.

He also emphasized the importance of investment in training and developing peacekeepers' skills, which determine the success of the UN peacekeepers’ mission. Indonesia has become one of the largest contributors to UN peacekeepers. The UN peacekeepers have become one of the main components of global partnerships, collective leadership, and shared responsibilities for peace during past decades.

The blue beret corps are peacekeepers who are mandated by the United Nations to protect millions of people in war and conflict areas throughout the world. Meanwhile, peacekeepers remain a source of multilateral collaboration, in an effort to maintain peace.

However, peacekeepers face challenges due to political realities and world safety issues.

Also, safety and performance of peacekeepers are influenced by other factors. These factors include different conflict types, a lack of commitment for political solutions, inadequate preparation, involvement of transnational actors, including terrorists and foreign terrorist fighters (FTF). In fact, peacekeepers are needed to maintain world peace.

Therefore, the Indonesian government encouraged the improvement of safety and performance of UN peacekeepers through upgrading the quality of training and their abilities. Accordingly, Indonesian Foreign minister Retno Marsudi underlined the investment support for improving the quality of training and peacekeepers' abilities.

"We must remember that peacekeepers represent the UN security council. Thus, our support to peacekeepers should be in line with current challenges and conflicts," the minister said. (ant)

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