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Wednesday, 22 May 2019 08:55

Indonesia Leads the Efforts to Combat Terrorism and Prevent the Spread of Mass Destructive Weapons at the UN SC

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Indonesia chair UN SC session Indonesia chair UN SC session kemenlu

"It is an honor and a great mandate for Indonesia to have the trust to lead 3 (Three) Committees with important roles in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC)," said the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations, Ambassador Dian Triansyah Djani, after delivering a briefing on counter-terrorism efforts and preventing the spread of mass destructive weapons at the UN Security Council, New York, May 20, 2019.

In front of all members of the Security Council, the Ambassador stated that terrorism continued to pose a serious threat to mutual peace and security. Therefore, in order to combat terrorism as a common enemy, there is no choice but to strengthen collaboration and targeted efforts and increase cooperation among countries with various regional organizations and with UN agencies.

Indonesia's leadership and initiative in counter-terrorism and prevention of the spread of mass destructive weapons also received positive recognition and appreciation, not only from Security Council members but also from other UN member countries.

Within a short time, immediately after the terror incident, Indonesia managed to initiate various SC Press Statements condemning terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, Iran, the Philippines, New Zealand and Sri Lanka. This showed Indonesia's consistency of attitude and position that always rejects the linking of acts of terrorism with a particular religion, ethnicity, or nation.

In the 1267 Sanctions Committee, which dropped and oversaw the sanction of those affiliated with ISIS and Al-Qaeda, Indonesian leadership managed to play an important role in maintaining the credibility and integrity of the Committee that was then threatened due to differences of interest in including terrorists in the UN Sanctions List.

"In the future, in carrying out the mandate to lead the UNSC Committees, Indonesia will continue to play a role as  facilitator and consultant to bridge various differences in interests that often arise among the 15 SC member countries," Ambassador Djani said when closing the briefing.

Aside from being the Chair of the 1267 Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Dian Triansyah Djani/Indonesia has also been granted the responsibility as the Chair of the 1540 SC Resolution Committee for the prevention of the spread of mass destructive weapons by non-state actors, the Chair of the 1988 SC Resolution Sanctions Committee for Taliban, the Deputy Chair of the SC Committee Sanctions for South Sudan, and a member of the SC Sanctions Committee for Iraq. (Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations)

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