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Monday, 27 May 2019 08:42

Minister of Religion Observed Integrated Umrah and Special Hajj Supervision Counter

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Minister of Religion in the counter at the airport Minister of Religion in the counter at the airport kemensetkab


The Minister of Religion Lukman Hakim Saifuddin today reviewed the supervision post for the departure of special Umrah and Hajj pilgrims at Terminal 3 of Soekarno-Hatta Airport , Cengkareng.

In addition to the Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah ( PHU ), the Minister of Religion had a dialogue with the celestial parties, immigration, airport authorities, and also a number of Umrah pilgrims who were going to the Holy Land.

"This program is very cool, a concrete form of cross-sectoral cooperation. It's just a matter of technical improvement, "said the Minister of Religion after conducting a review, in Cengkareng, Sunday (5/26).

Improvement needs to be done, said Minister of Religion, because this surveillance post is still in the socialization period. Ministry of Religion makes this integrated monitoring post in order to optimize supervision in the form of completing the examination of Umrah documents and receiving complaints from the Umrah and special Hajj pilgrims.

"The Ministry of Religion, specifically the Directorate General of PHU, wants to take a preventive, preventive approach so that there are no problematic Umrah or special pilgrimages so that when they are in the Holy Land facing problems, especially those related to incomplete travel documents and so on," said the Minister of Religion.

"So it is necessary to have an integrated check, not only from the Ministry of Religion but also immigration, and other related Ministries,  Agencies so that every special Umrah or Hajj pilgrimage gets assurance of their departure and return," he continued.

Because the supervision posts currently available are still in the socialization period, upgrading needs to be done. Minister of Religion expressed his appreciation to Angkasa Pura 2 for providing space for service counters. The Minister of Religion hopes that the Ministry of Religion can get a more permanent counter.

In addition to counters, service upgrades also need to be done on system aspects. Minister of Religion hopes that the service will soon be integrated with the Integrated Umrah and Special Hajj Service System (SIPATUH) so that supervision can also be done online.

Moreover, the Ministry of Religion's supervision system is also integrated with immigration so that the Ministry of Religion's supervisory output becomes one of the indicators in immigration checks, in addition to tickets, passports and visas.

Soetta Airport Immigration Officer, Tessa, who was present at the occasion welcomed the Minister of Religion's hopes. According to him, the mechanism is even better and will be taken into consideration by the immigration authorities.

To the Minister of Religion, the representative of Angkasa Pura 2 Heru Karyadi explained that his party was preparing the Umrah and Hajj terminal. Angkasa Pura has also conveyed to the development planner to include the technical supervision of the Ministry of Religion Umrah in the flow. After the security check, there is integrated supervision from the Ministry of Religion.

"Now in the basic stages of designing. It's Possible in 2021 will start operating, "he said.

This Umrah and Special Hajj Surveillance Post was released the first time by Arfi Hatim in early May 2019. Present accompanied, Director of Umrah and Special Hajj ( PHU ) Arfi Hatim, Secretary of DG PHU Ramadan Harisman, and Director of Domestic Hajj Services Muhajirin Yanis. (Ministry of Religion Public Relations / EN)

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