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Friday, 02 February 2018 06:52

President Joko Widodo Wants Simplification for Foreign Workers Permit

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President Joko Widodo wants the foreign workers permit which is until now still complicated to be immediately simplified. Cabinet Secretary, Pramono Anung quoted the President as saying in Jakarta on Wednesday after a limited cabinet meeting chaired by President Joko Widodo. It is realized that until now, many things related to foreign workers permit are still complicated. Secretary Pramono also remarked that if this is not immediately resolved, a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) will be issued to regulate it. He further said, the foreign workers in question are those who have the knowledge and the capacity and also needed in Indonesia, instead of the foreign field workers. This effort is to boost the "ease of doing business" in Indonesia to be more competitive even though Indonesia`s investment grade has improved. (Ant)

Read 785 times Last modified on Friday, 02 February 2018 20:41