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Tuesday, 28 May 2019 08:00

Banggai Directed To Be A Tourist Favorite Fishing Destination

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Banggai regency, Central Sulawesi Banggai regency, Central Sulawesi kemenpar

Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi, is directed to become a favorite fishing tourist destination with various supporting resources.

Honorary Adviser to the Minister of Tourism, Indroyono Soesilo, during the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Marine Tourism Development "recreational fishing" in Jakarta, last week, said that Banggai with all its natural wealth is very potential to be developed as a tourist favorite fishing destination .

"In the FGD, it was agreed that the Banggai waters would be suitable fishing destinations that would be of interest to tourists," said Indroyono, who is also the Chair of the Tourism Ministry's Maritime Tourism Acceleration Team.

The event was attended by the Governor of Central Sulawesi, Longki Djanggola, Regent of Banggai, Regent of Banggai Islands, Regent of Banggai Laut, representative of Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, FORMASI, and Ship Association Indonesian Cruise.

Indroyono also explained that there were several reasons that could make Banggai a world-class fishing destination. First is the presence of the Banggai exotic fish "Cardinal Fish". Secondly, Banggai waters become a migration path for tuna. Precisely, from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean.

Banggai waters with Peleng Bay are the locations of Indonesian history where in July 1962, there were hundreds of warships and troop transports gathered in the waters of Peleng Bay.

"With the strength of 45,000 soldiers, the TNI was ready to invade West Irian in the context of Operation Trikora Liberation of West Irian. A Trikora Monument is built in Banggai as a marker and historical tourist destination, "he said.

Furthermore, Indroyono explained that to realize Banggai as a world-class fishing tourist destination, an international fishing competition will be held called Banggai International Tuna Fishing Tournament 2019. The plan is to hold the September 27-29 2019 event.

Later, the participants will be directed to fishing for several types of fish. Such as skipjack tuna, yellow fin tuna, big eye tuna, and bluefin tuna.

"This activity is at the same time a trial before becoming an annual event. In addition to fishing activities, tournament participants will hold 'joy sailing' to the Banggai Kepulauan Regency region. The goal is to enjoy traditional Banggai culture and cuisine. At the same time, watching a demonstration of fishing for tuna using kites, "he said.

All FGD participants, both at the center and the Central Sulawesi region, agreed to succeed this international event. The plan, socialization activities and promotion of the Banggai International event for the 2019 Tuna Fishing Tournament will begin on June 14, 2019.

Indroyono said, the presence of Banggai would make the Indonesian marine tourism map more complete. Previously, there was Sabang in Aceh Province which became the spot for The International Free Diving Competition.

There are also Nias-North Sumatra, Simelue-Aceh, Krui-Lampung, Keramas-Bali, and Mandalika-Lombok with the International Professional Surfing Competition Series event. As for Kupang, Tual, Seram, North Buton, and Bawean, it has also been famous for being a rally track for Sail Indonesia participants every year. (kemenpar) 

Read 1190 times Last modified on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 09:24