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Wednesday, 29 May 2019 00:00

Diplomatic Corner

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Direct flight that has been waited for long time between Indonesia and Cambodia will be implemented this year. Indonesian ambassador to Cambodia kingdom, Sudirman Haseng in a press conference on Preparation of the Inauguration of Jakarta-Phnom Penh Direct Flight in Phnom Penh over the weekend said a national private airlines, Citilink Indonesia, a subsidiary of Garuda Indonesia will launch its first flight for Jakarta – Phnom Penh route in June 2019 for three times in a week. Cambodian Tourism Minister, Dr. Thong Khon, in the press conference, thanked the Indonesian government, Tourism Ministry, Indonesian embassy Phnom Penh, Garuda Indonesia and related parties on support and good cooperation to implement to the mutual dream.

Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, inaugurated the launching of Panchagarh Express new train to serve the longest railway of Bangladesh which connects the capital Dhaka with Panchagarh city in the NorthWest over the weekend. Panchagarh Express uses modern carriage, made by PT INKA Indonesia. Indonesian ambassador to Bangladesh, Rina Soemarno who attend the ceremony at Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina “Gonobhaban" residence in Dhaka, said that the train made by PT INKA Indonesia has assisted Bangladesh to increase connectivity among cities in Bangladesh. In the last month, it has been conducted twice the first launching of railway which is used train, made by PT INKA. Earlier, on April 25, 2019, Bonolota Express train has been launched to serve Rajshahi-Dhaka line nonstop.

Ramez fi El-shallal, a very popular entertainment program in Egypt and Arabic countries, this year takes shooting for picture in Bali. The event which was guided by famous comedian from Egypt, Ramez Galal, was broadcasted every day during Ramadhan this year on MBC television of Egypt. Various kinds of trailers of the event are also aired at Youtube and other social media with the number of audiences in every video reaching 1 - 9 million people. To made used the popularity of the TV event, the Indonesian embassy in Cairo organized a breaking fast event along with Travel Agent/Tour Operator (TA/TO) of Egypt last week. Indonesian ambassador, Helmy Fauzy, in his speech conveyed his happiness during the month of Ramadhan, Egyptians could more know about Indonesia, especially the natural beauty of Bali through the entertainment program on “Ramez fi El-shallal” television.

Read 1072 times Last modified on Monday, 03 June 2019 10:19