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Wednesday, 05 June 2019 00:00

President Jokowi with First Lady Iriana Salat Id at Istiqlal Mosque

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President Jokowi carried out Id 1440 H prayer at Istiqlal Mosque, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (5/6). President Jokowi carried out Id 1440 H prayer at Istiqlal Mosque, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (5/6). kemensetkab

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) together with First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo performed the Id 1440 H prayer at Istiqlal Mosque, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (5/6). Thousands of Muslims also attended the largest mosque in Southeast Asia.

The president arrived at around 6:45 a.m. and was welcomed by Religious Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, Minister of State Pratikno, and High Priest of Istiqlal Mosque Nasaruddin Umar along with the Chairperson of the Executive Board of the Istiqlal Mosque (BPPMI) Asep Saepudin.

Furthermore, the Head of State first conducts the prayer of the superstition of the mosque before carrying out a series of congregational Id prayers led by Prof. Dr. H. Said Agil Husin Al-Munawar, M.A.

The theme of the sermon in the Id Prayer this time was "Eid Al-Fitr Spreading Sorry Building Togetherness" delivered by the Professor of Interpretation and Hadith of the Jakarta Syarif Hidayatullah UIN.

Said said, in this Islamic Eid moment all Muslims should forgive each other. Allah SWT strongly advocates and enjoys the attitude of giving and receiving forgiveness.

The Qur'an, which is the guideline of the life of Muslims, also teaches people not to fight with each other and spread benefits to others.

"Even the Koran is proven to teach humans to have the nature of mutual love, forgiveness, and creating peace," he said.

In addition to the President, there were also the ranks of the Working Cabinet which included Social Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti, Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko, and Deputy Minister ESDM Arcandra Tahar. Also present were representatives from a number of friendly countries. (setkab)

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