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Wednesday, 05 June 2019 11:00

President Open House at the Palace and Meet the People in Monas

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President Jokowi took a photo with the people at Monas, Jakarta, Wednesday (5/6) President Jokowi took a photo with the people at Monas, Jakarta, Wednesday (5/6) kemensetkab

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) along with First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo celebrated Idul Fitri 1440 H the first day in Jakarta. After performing the Id Prayer at Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, both of them were in touch with the community and a number of state officials.

Vice President Jusuf Kalla and Mrs. Mufidah Kalla also had time to stay together in this activity.

State officials and the community seemed to be packed with tents that were provided to wait for their turn to meet the President and his family.

In the queue which consisted of the majority of the community, it appeared that some of them were Working Cabinet ministers, namely Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, until Chief of Staff of the Presidential Moeldoko.

While in the State Palace's souvenir hall, where the public and state officials are received by the President and First Lady, President Joko Widodo welcomes one by one to his guests with smiles and greetings.

"Happy Eid, apologize for the inner birth," said the President while greeting his guests.

People who want to stay in touch with the President and the First Lady begin to gather at the Monas Cross to get a queue number.

Sapa Residents at Monas

Accompanied by Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, President Jokowi approached the waiting area opposite the main building of the Ministry of State Secretariat. There, the President also greeted the people who were present and sometimes took pictures together.

"Thank you, sir. We have waited a long time, "said one resident who was comforted by the presence of the President in their midst.

"Mr. Jokowi, congratulations Lebaran sir," shouted other residents shouted.

From the Ministry of State Secretariat's page, the President moves towards the Silas Monas area where more people are waiting in line.

Arriving around Silang Monas, President Joko Widodo conveyed an apology for the hundreds or even thousands of people who still crowded the area.

The large number of people present made him unable to serve one by one the requests of citizens to meet and take pictures together.

"I apologize, because there are still many in the Palace who are lining up, there are far more here, so I better come here," the President said.

In addition, the President said, after this event, he still had to leave for Solo to return to his hometown to meet his extended family. The Head of State expressed his gratitude for the enthusiasm of the people who attended even from the morning to meet him.

"Soon I also have to go home. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who are willing to be here. Once again, I'm sorry, I can't get photos one by one, "he said.

Before departing to return to the Merdeka Palace, President Joko Widodo finally decided to take pictures with all the people in the area. (kemensetkab)

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