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Monday, 10 June 2019 16:41

South Sulawesi Ready to Assess Pace of Development

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South Sulawesi Governor Nurdin Abdullah stated after Eid 2019 that he and Deputy Governor Andi Sudirman Sulaiman had led the province for nine months so could evaluate the rate of development for expediting it optimally.

"Let us work professionally, so that our steps get the recognized result," South Sulawesi Governor Abdullah stated while leading the flag ceremony on the first day of work of the state civilian apparatus (ASN) after the 1440 Lebaran (Ied-al-Fitr) leave at the South Sulawesi governor's office in Makasar on Monday.

"However, if the community does not believe in us, we will lose trust. Do not have thorns in the flesh or spread noise in the community when the problem is internal, so we will evaluate it. The vice governor and I have no personal interest in leading South Sulawesi", he remarked.

Deputy Governor Sulaiman also echoed the same view.

"This momentum drives us all to remain passionate in developing South Sulawesi. I and the governor are and will continue to remain professional in our approach in leading South Sulawesi," Sudirman remarked during the interview session following the ceremony.

The ceremony was followed by halal bi halal, an occasion of mutual forgiveness and a time to seek reconciliation and to preserve or restore harmonious relations. Several hundred ASN in the scope of the governor's office, including echelon officials, had reportedly participated in.

"I, personally, and the vice-governor extend our greetings and apologies on Ied-al-Fitr,  apologize both physically and mentally. This holiday offers us a momentum to forgive one another again and to self-introspect over our follies and to reunite", Abdullah stated. (ant) 

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