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Thursday, 20 June 2019 09:37

Indonesia-UK Continue to Expand and Strengthen Their Relationship

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FM Retno Marsudi meet FM Jeremy Hunt FM Retno Marsudi meet FM Jeremy Hunt kemenlu

“Indonesia is UK's best friend", stated British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt at the bilateral meeting with Indonesian Foreign Minister in London (18/6). 

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno L.P. Marsudi affirmed that the commemoration of 70th year of Indonesia and UK's diplomatic relationship should become a momentum for improving their partnership, especially in trade and investment.

This meeting also discussed cooperation in a number of other sectors, including education. “Within the next five years, Indonesia will focus on human resource development," Minister Marsudi stated. In that account, Indonesia will continue to expand its partnership with the UK.

After the Brexit, the UK also gives more commitment to improving its relationship with Indonesia, including that in economic sector.

Both foreign ministers expressed their commitments in establishing strategic cooperation as part of the solution to address a number of international issues, especially during Indonesia's membership period in UNSC.

Indonesia expected the UK's support for its candidacy at the Human Rights Council for the 2020/22 period.

Minister Hunt also expressed his eagerness to visit Indonesia. (kemenlu) 

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