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Monday, 24 June 2019 08:30

President Jokowi Discussed the Leaders' Meeting With Singapore's PM

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Meeting With PM Lee Hsien Loong Meeting With PM Lee Hsien Loong kemensetkab

President Joko Widodo held a pull aside meeting with Singaporean PM Lee Hsien Loong before attending the plenary of the 34th ASEAN Summit at Athenee Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, on Saturday night, June 22 2019. During the meeting, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi accompanied the President.

After accompanying the President, Retno explained that the two leaders discussed the leaders' retreat meeting between the leaders of the two countries. It is planned that the meeting will be held in Singapore in early December.

"The Leaders' Retreat meeting will be held in the first week of December this year in Singapore," said Retno.

Retno then added that the meeting between President Jokowi and PM Lee was quite short. That is because it was done before the plenary session began.

"Because it is done in a pull way, aside from waiting for the plenary meeting to begin," Retno said. (setkab)

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