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Wednesday, 26 June 2019 08:53

Indonesia Becomes Honorary Guest of Madagascar's International Tourism Exhibition

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Indonesia is present in Madagascar as a Pays Invite d'honneur at the Madagascar Tourism International Exhibition held June 13-16 2019 at the Ivato Madagascar International Conference Center. The Indonesian delegation of around 60 people has enlivened by presenting several Indonesian advantages in the field of Tourism.

They consist of government officials from the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ITPC Pretoria representing the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, Head of Republic of Indonesia representatives and staff of the Indonesian Embassy in Antananarivo. The Ministry of Tourism sent a Wonderful Indonesia Art Team accompanied by Chef Cooks Indonesian and Barista to serve coffee from Aceh, West Java, Padang and East Java. Sebelas Maret University performed Javanese mini concert dance from Solo, a batik demonstration accompanied by batik dance and the performance of the Javanese gamelan orchestra. Universitas Brawijaya and the Ponorogo Regency Cultural Service present the Reog Art Team. On this occasion, Universitas Brawijaya and Sebelas Maret University also promoted educational facilities in each of their campuses. In addition, Batik Semar entrepreneurs from Solo, Papuan Batik from the Regional Government of Papua, Tour Operators from Indonesia and Air Ethiopia flight agents as supporters of Indonesian events were also joined.

To enliven the Indonesian Pavilion, with the sponsorship of the Air Ethiopia flight company and local company Madaranch, Indonesian Pavilun provided the Door Prize for six Antananarivo-Jakarta-Antananarivo tickets.

Indonesia was a guest of honor in 2019 at the invitation of the Minister of Tourism of Madagascar because Indonesia was considered to have a special closeness regarding history and culture and its tourism promotion was considered advanced.

In order to encourage the Promotion and collaboration of Tourism Agencies, ONTM (National Office of Tourism in Madagascar) has invited Indonesian Tour Operators to be attended by four Tour Operators in the industry representing Yogyakarta, Bali, Jakarta and Lombok. On this occasion, Tour Operators besides being shown the mainstay of Madagascar's tourism, Baobab trees and Lemur animals, and seeing the traditional resemblance of Malagasy residents to Indonesia also held B to B / private to Private meetings. Together with ASDEP Marketing Development II, Regional 3 Ministry of Tourism, Sigit Wicaksono and RI-Antananarivo Representative Head Heru Wicaksono accompanied by staff from the African Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tour Operators at the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism, they also held a conference on the development of tourism promotion in Indonesia attended by private parties and tourism stakeholders in Madagascar. On the occasion, he also met with the Minister of Tourism, Transportation and Meteorology of Madagascar and his staff.

In the spirit of batik Madagascar the Indonesian Embassy provided Batik to Madagascar officials and the Chair of the Madagascar National Office of Tourism and gave several committee officers. To promote the batik, the Indonesian pavilion displays Fashion Show, Demo and Batik Dance, and Minishop Batik Semar.

ITM's eighth implementation this year is special not only because of its Indonesian appearance with Reog and also a number of workshops such as batik, musicianship, dancing, cooking demonstrations of Indonesian cuisine and demonstrations to make traditional Indonesian coffee, but the Indonesian Pavilion has been opened by the Prime Minister and the next day President of Madagascar. During the visit the PM and the President got an explanation of the Indonesian delegation participants, a map of Indonesia, and took pictures in front of the miniature Borobudur temple, watched the batik dance and signed the batik paintings. And towards the end of the visit, the President of Madagascar expressed his interest in Bali's popularity and wanted to visit the island of Gods in August 2019. (Source: Indonesian Embassy Antananarivo)

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