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Saturday, 10 February 2018 21:47

President Joko Widodo to Revitalize the Area of Seribu Rumah Gadang in West Sumatra

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President Joko Widodo to Revitalize the Area of Seribu Rumah Gadang in West Sumatra BIRO PERS SEKNEG

Fascinated by the beauty of Seribu Rumah Gadang in West Sumatra, President Joko Widodo launched the revitalization program of the area ofSeribu Rumah Gadang in South Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province. In his message at the peak event of the Press National Day 2018 in Padang, West Sumatra, the President expressed his admiration when he passed-by the district of South Solok duringhisworking visit to West Sumatera Province. He said that the revitalization program is expected to be completed within one-year development.

“...This morning, I've instructed my minister to complete this year. And later, this revitalization is also a prototype for the existing Rumah Gadang in West Sumatra in particular, and also throughout the country. But I further said again that I and Minister of Public Work and PublicHousing saw this morning the beauty of a very beautiful village at Pariangan in Tanah Datar. I assigned all of these both in Solok Selatan and another village –Pariangan that we saw this morning at 7 o'clock, haveto be completed this year. We have to restore the landscape of the existing houses,  so that the existing traditional houses both in Solok and Pariangan will get more beautiful and beautiful,” President Joko Widodo said.

Furthermore, President Joko Widodo said that he has also instructed his ministers to revitalize the residence of journalist and senior litterateur from West Sumatra Djamaloedin Adinegoro. He added that the family of Djamaloedin Adinegoro had requested the revitalization for the construction of the Adinegoro museum which will house a lot of collections of Djamaloedin Adinegoro's writings in his lifetime. During his lifetime, Djamaloedin Adinegoro was a journalist and litterateur who had created many kinds of writings, including the first Atlas of Indonesia and Encyclopedia in Indonesian language. (VOI/Ndy/Trans by Rhm)

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