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Monday, 12 February 2018 21:14

WHO Advises Vulnerable Groups to Get Influenza Immunization

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WHO Advises Vulnerable Groups to Get Influenza Immunization twitter


World Health Organization Senior Advisor, Prof Chandra Yoga Aditama said the number of influenza sufferers is increasing from year to year. At a medical seminar on influenza and pneumonia held at Persahabatan Hospital, on Monday, February 12 in Jakarta, he said, pandemic or extraordinary influenza incidents could happen in the future. There are 4 types of influenza virus but only 2 viruses attack humans. Influenza virus type H3N2 or flu Australia in 2017 spread very quickly. Influenza virus cannot be considered trivial because it can be heavy impact. To that end, WHO recommends vulnerable groups of people to get vaccination. 

"Who are the high-risk group? Number one of is course those who have chronic lung and heart  diseass with decreaing immune system.  The second is pregnant women, the third is children aged 6 months to 5 years,  and the fourth is people of more than 65 years old. They are recommended to get vaccination," Chandra Yoga said. 


Chandra Yoga further explained, influenza viruses that attack animals such as H7N9 or Avian flu and swine flu or H5N1 can spread to humans who are in direct contact with animals. dr Prasenohadi, Chairman of the pneumonia case isolation room, Friendship Hospital said it has handled more than 200 people caused by the H5N1 virus. Therefore, flu control must be done to humans, animals and the environment. for that, Persahabatan Hospital as the National Respiratory Center Hospital held a seminar on influenza to raise public awareness and medical personnel. Dr Cahyarini, the Committee for Infection Control and Prevention explained, Friendship Hospital can screen the influenza virus. Transmission and isolation precautions must be ready. Transmission alert is a behavior to prevent infection through cough etiquette and use of masks. (Sekar)

Read 1292 times Last modified on Tuesday, 13 February 2018 04:25