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Monday, 12 February 2018 21:25

President Appreciates Award of the World's Best Minister to Finance Minister

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President Appreciates Award of the World's Best Minister to Finance Minister twitter kemenkeu: worldgovsummit

 Indonesian President Joko Widodo expressed his appreciation for the award of the World's Best Minister given to Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati. After attending the opening of the Working Meeting of Indonesian Representative Head in Jakarta, the President said the assessment shows Indonesia's effective and prudent economic performance. In addition, according to the President awarding the award also shows the world's recognition of the positive domestic economic management.

Indonesian Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati was awarded the Best Minister in the World Award at the World Govenment Summit. Sri Mulyani earned the title on Sunday (11/2/2018) in Dubai, Union Arab Emirates (UAE). The award was handed over directly by Dubai's leader Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The Best Ministerial Award in the World is given to one minister from all the world's nations each year. The award, which was given in 2016, was obtained through a rigorous selection process and the determination was made by independent agency Ernst & Young and hosted by the Wolrd Government Summit. (Ndy)

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