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Thursday, 15 February 2018 00:00

Chief of Indonesian Police Confers Awards to 5 Police Chiefs of Neighboring Countries

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Chief of Indonesian Police Confers Awards to 5 Police Chiefs of Neighboring Countries

Chief of Indonesian Police General Tito Karnavian, along with a number of police chiefs of ASEAN and Australia met Vice President Jusuf Kalla in Jakarta,on Wednesday (14/2). The meeting was to report Indonesian Police’s plan to give awards Bintang Bhayangkara Utama award to 5 Police Chiefs of neighboring countries, namely Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Australia, and Malaysia, and also 1 former Malaysian Police Chief who was previously approved by Indonesian President Joko Widodo. Tito Karnavian said that Vice President Jusuf Kalla hoped the awards will able to strengthen international cooperation, especially in handling terrorism, human trafficking, trans-national and cyber crime.


He said, "The awards are presented based on chief of Indonesian police’s proposal to the President for their services to develop good relation with the Indonesian police. Our relation has been very good with  Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Brunei, and also the Philippines especially in facing  trans-national cases, such as terrorism, drugs, people smuggling, commercial crime, cyber crime. We are neighbors.”


General Tito Karnavian added the awards’ recipients, namely Police Chiefs of ASEAN and Australia, are considered to have good relation with the Indonesian Police and government. General Tito also said that Vice President really appreciated the awarding and hoped relation between Indonesian Police and the Police Chiefs to be awarded will be better from time to time. (KBRN/RIZKI/trans-yati/AHM)

Read 1247 times Last modified on Friday, 16 February 2018 11:43